
Hi, I am Kushal Niroula

I am a programmer, cricketer and that's it. Those are the only things I am even remotely good at.

Github projects

So, you want to contact me? Really?? 🤔

Mobile: 9816988504

Gmail: niroulakushal31@gmail.com

Fax: I dont have a fax.

Facebook: @kushalNiroula

Or, use the following form

I dont think I wrote the code to handle form submit. Please just email or call me.
So, here are the topics that you can talk with me about. I still don't know why you would want to, but still, here goes
  • Iron man
  • Captain America
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • M.S Dhoni
  • The Office (Series)
  • Friends and How I met your mother
  • C#, PHP, JS, CSS
  • How Doctor Strange may not have known that Endgame was the succesful timeline
  • And why I desperately need to excercise starting tomorrow

Here is a video of the great Shia LeBouf asking you to just do it.

And this is me just chilling along the river I dont remember at Mustang

Kushal incognito

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